Skin Care


The skin is the largest organ in the body. Comprised of melanin, a pigment produced by cells called melanocytes. This natural polymer is derived from tyrosine an amino acid found in most organisms. Melanin distribution is determined by genetics and is produced via melanogenesis and polymerization creating cells calls melanosomes. Types of Melanin include phonemelanin, neuromelanin and eumelanin. 


Skin tone

Melanin is directly responsible for the color of hair, skin and eyes. When melanin is present in small amounts, a lighter skin tone or hair color is seen. In larger amounts, a lighter skin tone or hair color is present. The variation in skin tones speaks to the range of beauty from Melanin.



Melanin is natural skin protection against UV rays and sunlight. While melanin provides natural protection, sun exposure can intensify pigments. This over production of melanin allows a simple pimple or scratch to cause hyperpigmentation. Present in most organs, melanin is directly responsible for cell reproduction, brain and neurological functions. Other benefits include, younger looking skin, less wrinkles, increased hearing function, decreased macular degeneration, and benefits to reproductive health. 


Skin Care

The skin care routine is a highly individualized experience, however lasting effects are often non-toxic, plant based and cruelty/preservative free. Sustainable beauty is evidence based and truly a gem within a saturated market.